Bank Soal IPA SD Bagian Tubuh Tumbuhan
Bab 5 | Bagian Tumbuhan | IPA | Kelas 4
Soal Populer Hari Ini
Yang termasuk unsur ekstrinsik dari pembuatan puisi adalah ....
Bahasa Indonesia
Level 8
Unsur-unsur puisi
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Bahasa Indonesia
Cermati pilihan berikut!
- Faktual
- Non-faktual
- Berisi opini pribadi
- Berisi fakta yang bisa dibuktikan
- Bahasa yang digunakan singkat, padat, dan lugas
- Bahasa yang digunakan bertele-tele
Berdasarkan pilihan di atas, yang termasuk ciri-ciri berita adalah ....
Bahasa Indonesia
Level 8
Teks Berita
Unsur-unsur Berita
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Bahasa Indonesia
Diketahui dengan koordinat masing-masing titik sudutnya , , dan . Koordinat titik berat adalah ....
Level 8
Koordinat Kartesius
Posisi Titik dan Bangun Datar
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Nilai yang memenuhi persamaan 3 2 15 dan 5 6 25 adalah...
Level 8
Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel (SPLDV)
Menyelesaikan SPLDV
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Read the following conversation carefully.
Eric : __________________ (1) ?
Joe : There are 20 students in the class.
Eric : ________ (2) a troublemaker in your class?
Joe : Yes, there is this boy who likes to bully others.
The blank number (2) should be completed with ….
Bahasa Inggris
Level 8
Bahasa Inggris
Existence of things and people around us
Expression of existence
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Agar iklan menarik, maka harus diperhatikan hal berikut, kecuali ....
Bahasa Indonesia
Level 8
Iklan, Slogan, Poster
Pola penyajian dan Kebahasaan Iklan, Slogan, Poster
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Bahasa Indonesia
Observe the pictures below and make the possible Expressions of Explaining Ability.
(live on the moon)
(fly a kite)
(clone human)
(ride a motorbike)
What is the most possible expression for point 1?
Bahasa Inggris
Level 8
Bahasa Inggris
Interaction among students inside and outside classrooms
Expressions of Explaining Abilities
Expressions of explaining ability
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Diketahui tiga titik di suatu sumbu koordinat membentuk segitiga siku-siku sama kaki ABC dengan sudut antara AB dan AC membentuk sudut siku-siku. Dua titik di antaranya adalah B(1,3) dan C(3,1). Persamaan garis lurus yang melalui titik A dengan gradien adalah ....
Level 8
Persamaan Garis Lurus (PGL)
Penerapan Konsep Persamaan Garis Lurus
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Read the following text and answer the question.
Driving into Chicago on March 25, after sitting in the car for three hours, Nadia and I were very anxious to get there. We parked the car and grabbed the tickets. All girls dressed in tall heart socks, short jean shorts, and Justin Bieber t-shirts. Then, the crew checked our tickets and we walked straight to the souvenir stand. We waited about twenty minutes before we got to the front table to get our shirts.
After that, we tried to look for our seats which were on the second floor and we found them. People were starting chants such as “Justin-Bieber, Bieber, and we want Bieber”. Nadia and I just couldn't resist and had to join in! The DJ started talking and the curtains opened. Everyone screamed. There were two opening acts that did about five songs each. After they were done, the DJ asked if we were ready for Bieber time! All of us were ready to watch Justin Bieber.
I pulled my camera out and got it ready to flash a picture as soon as his face showed. The countdown started on the screen and every single person in that theatre screamed the loudest they have probably ever screamed in their life. Justin jogged out and started to sing “That Should Be Me”. He then talked awhile thanking us for the support and being such great fans. He continued singing all the songs in his new album.
Walking out of the theatre that night we were disappointed it was over, but very happy we got to see Justin. It was very tight, but that was the time we got to share the awesome experience with my mom. After three hours of driving, we got home at 1:30 in the morning, even though we still had school the next morning. We were so tired, four and a half hours asleep felt like nothing, but that day at school we got to show off our shirts, pictures, wonderful experience with everyone and still we have flash backs of millions of girls screaming and that one second when the curtains opened to Justin Bieber.
What is the writer’s purpose in writing the text?
Bahasa Inggris
Level 8
Bahasa Inggris
Personal past experiences
Personal Recount Text
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Perhatikan penggalan teks ulasan berikut!
Dalam buku Panduan Anti Gagal Bertani Sayuran dan Buah Hidroponik: Untuk Hasil Maksimal dan Memuaskan masih ditemukan beberapa kesalahan pengetikan (typo). Kesalahan pengetikan ini menyebabkan salah tafsir bagi para pembacanya. Hal lain yang kurang diperhatikan pengarang adalah tidak ada konsistensi dalam pemberian warna pada gambar dan halamannya, seperti pada beberapa halaman penuh dengan warna dan beberapa gambar yang disajikan dengan hitam-putih saja.
(disadur dari:
Struktur teks ulasan yang digambarkan pada penggalan teks tersebut adalah ....
Bahasa Indonesia
Level 8
Teks Ulasan
Struktur dan Kebahasaan Teks Ulasan
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Bahasa Indonesia
Cek Contoh Kuis Online
Kejar Kuis
Cek Contoh Bank Soal
Kejar Soal
Yang termasuk unsur ekstrinsik dari pembuatan puisi adalah ....
Cermati pilihan berikut!
- Faktual
- Non-faktual
- Berisi opini pribadi
- Berisi fakta yang bisa dibuktikan
- Bahasa yang digunakan singkat, padat, dan lugas
- Bahasa yang digunakan bertele-tele
Berdasarkan pilihan di atas, yang termasuk ciri-ciri berita adalah ....
Diketahui dengan koordinat masing-masing titik sudutnya , , dan . Koordinat titik berat adalah ....
Nilai yang memenuhi persamaan 3 2 15 dan 5 6 25 adalah...
Read the following conversation carefully.
Eric : __________________ (1) ?
Joe : There are 20 students in the class.
Eric : ________ (2) a troublemaker in your class?
Joe : Yes, there is this boy who likes to bully others.
The blank number (2) should be completed with ….
Agar iklan menarik, maka harus diperhatikan hal berikut, kecuali ....
Observe the pictures below and make the possible Expressions of Explaining Ability.
(live on the moon)
(fly a kite)
(clone human)
(ride a motorbike)
What is the most possible expression for point 1?
Diketahui tiga titik di suatu sumbu koordinat membentuk segitiga siku-siku sama kaki ABC dengan sudut antara AB dan AC membentuk sudut siku-siku. Dua titik di antaranya adalah B(1,3) dan C(3,1). Persamaan garis lurus yang melalui titik A dengan gradien adalah ....
Read the following text and answer the question.
Driving into Chicago on March 25, after sitting in the car for three hours, Nadia and I were very anxious to get there. We parked the car and grabbed the tickets. All girls dressed in tall heart socks, short jean shorts, and Justin Bieber t-shirts. Then, the crew checked our tickets and we walked straight to the souvenir stand. We waited about twenty minutes before we got to the front table to get our shirts.
After that, we tried to look for our seats which were on the second floor and we found them. People were starting chants such as “Justin-Bieber, Bieber, and we want Bieber”. Nadia and I just couldn't resist and had to join in! The DJ started talking and the curtains opened. Everyone screamed. There were two opening acts that did about five songs each. After they were done, the DJ asked if we were ready for Bieber time! All of us were ready to watch Justin Bieber.
I pulled my camera out and got it ready to flash a picture as soon as his face showed. The countdown started on the screen and every single person in that theatre screamed the loudest they have probably ever screamed in their life. Justin jogged out and started to sing “That Should Be Me”. He then talked awhile thanking us for the support and being such great fans. He continued singing all the songs in his new album.
Walking out of the theatre that night we were disappointed it was over, but very happy we got to see Justin. It was very tight, but that was the time we got to share the awesome experience with my mom. After three hours of driving, we got home at 1:30 in the morning, even though we still had school the next morning. We were so tired, four and a half hours asleep felt like nothing, but that day at school we got to show off our shirts, pictures, wonderful experience with everyone and still we have flash backs of millions of girls screaming and that one second when the curtains opened to Justin Bieber.
What is the writer’s purpose in writing the text?
Perhatikan penggalan teks ulasan berikut!
Dalam buku Panduan Anti Gagal Bertani Sayuran dan Buah Hidroponik: Untuk Hasil Maksimal dan Memuaskan masih ditemukan beberapa kesalahan pengetikan (typo). Kesalahan pengetikan ini menyebabkan salah tafsir bagi para pembacanya. Hal lain yang kurang diperhatikan pengarang adalah tidak ada konsistensi dalam pemberian warna pada gambar dan halamannya, seperti pada beberapa halaman penuh dengan warna dan beberapa gambar yang disajikan dengan hitam-putih saja.
(disadur dari:
Struktur teks ulasan yang digambarkan pada penggalan teks tersebut adalah ....