Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris SMA Application Letters



Change the active sentence into passive.

I interviewed and hired all the kitchen staff.


All the kitchen staff was interviewed and hired by me.


All the kitchen staff were interviewed and hired by me.


All the kitchen staff will be interviewed and hired by me.


All the kitchen staff is interviewed and hired by me.


All the kitchen staff are interviewed and hired by me.


Ubahlah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif.

Saya mewawancarai dan mempekerjakan semua staf dapur.

Kita diminta untuk mengubah kalimat aktif ke bentuk pasif. Untuk lebih jelasnya, perhatikan gambar berikut.

Kita tentukan dulu tense dari kalimat. Pada kalimat, terdapat kata kerja yang digunakan adalah interviewed dan hired. Keduanya merupakan kata kerja bentuk kedua, maka kalimat ini termasuk past simple. Berikut struktur bentuk aktif dan pasif untuk past simple.

  • S kalimat aktif → S kalimat pasif = I → All the kitchen staff (tukar tempat)
  • V2 was/were + V3 = interviewed and hired were interviewed and hired (karena subjek singular)
  • ditambah by me untuk menunjukkan pelaku.

All the kitchen staff were interviewed and hired by me.

Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas, jawaban yang tepat adalah “All the kitchen staff were interviewed and hired by me.”

K13 Kelas XII Bahasa Inggris Bahasa Inggris Application Letters Application Letters Skor 3
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