Bank Soal IPA SD Peredaran Darah pada Hewan
Bab 5 | Pernapasan pada Hewan | IPAS | Kelas 5
Soal Populer Hari Ini
Bacalah puisi di bawah ini!
Lihat kami!
Kami mencoba kuat diatas kekurangan
Tak lelah banting tulang
Tapi kau?
Lihat dirimu!
Kau tak bersyukur dengan dirimu
Kau curi hak kami
Kau biarkan kami menderita
Tapi kau?
Seakan menari-nari diatas penderitaan kami
Lihat kami!
Apa tak kau lihat keringat kami?
Keletihan kami
Hanya demi sesuap nasi
Lihat negeri ini!
Sudah tiadakah hati?
Sudah tiadakah mata?
Hingga tak pernah kau lihat kami
Lalu, harus kemanakah kami?
Kami memang tak mampu balas dirimu
Karena Tuhan yang akan balas dirimu
(Karya: Nuke Hanasasmit)
Puisi di atas termasuk jenis puisi ....
Bahasa Indonesia
Level 8
Unsur-unsur puisi
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Bahasa Indonesia
Cermati pilihan berikut!
- Faktual
- Non-faktual
- Berisi opini pribadi
- Berisi fakta yang bisa dibuktikan
- Bahasa yang digunakan singkat, padat, dan lugas
- Bahasa yang digunakan bertele-tele
Berdasarkan pilihan di atas, yang termasuk ciri-ciri berita adalah ....
Bahasa Indonesia
Level 8
Teks Berita
Unsur-unsur Berita
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Bahasa Indonesia
Titik A berjarak 8 satuan di sebelah kiri sumbu-Y dan berada di atas sumbu-X dengan jarak setengah dari jaraknya terhadap sumbu-Y.
Berapakah koordinat letak titik A?
Level 8
Koordinat Kartesius
Koordinat Posisi Suatu Benda
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Diketahui persamaan 2 7. Jika variabel dinyatakan dalam variabel , maka adalah ... (Pilih semua jawaban yang benar!)
Level 8
Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel (SPLDV)
Menyelesaikan SPLDV
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Read the following description of Michelle’s living room.
This is Michelle’s living room. (1) There aren’t many furnitures in it because she likes to keep everything clean and tidy. (2) There are only a small cabinet, a big yellow couch, and a single sofa chair to sit with her family. Her cat would also rest on the couch because it is very comfortable. (3) There is no painting on the wall but Michelle prefers to add green plants to the decoration. They become new trends lately and her favorite is definitely a palm leaf. (4) There are also books on the wall. She usually reads them while enjoying a nice cup of tea in the morning.
Which of the sentence numbers above is not grammatically correct?
Bahasa Inggris
Level 8
Bahasa Inggris
Existence of things and people around us
Expression of existence
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Look at the table below.
Make sentences with 'can' or 'can't' with the verbs in the brackets and join them with 'and' or 'but.'
A. Kelly (cook/dance)
B. Andy (sing/type)
C. John (cook/ski)
Which one is the most suitable statement for point A?
Bahasa Inggris
Level 8
Bahasa Inggris
Interaction among students inside and outside classrooms
Expressions of Explaining Abilities
Expressions of explaining ability
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Kedai Minuman Rina
Rina akan membuka kedai minuman kekinian minggu depan. Ia membuat poster untuk mempromosikan kedai tersebut. Perhatikan poster kedai minuman milik Rina di bawah ini!
(Sumber Gambar:
Di mana kamu bisa mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut tentang kedai minuman milik Rina?
Bahasa Indonesia
Level 8
Iklan, Slogan, Poster
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Bahasa Indonesia
Diketahui , maka untuk , kita peroleh
Level 8
Persamaan Garis Lurus (PGL)
Penerapan Konsep Persamaan Garis Lurus
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Read the following text and answer the question.
It was Katia’s 20th birthday and she was looking forward to seeing her friends. They were meeting at Sakura Blossoms, her favorite Japanese restaurant for a special birthday dinner. Katia was excited and got the restaurant at exactly 7 o’clock, the time they had arranged to meet. She looked around for a familiar face, but no one had arrived yet. So, she decided to wait outside and stood patiently in the warm evening sunshine.
The restaurant quickly filled up with customers, but none of them were Katia’s friends. “Where are they?” she thought. At half past seven she was still waiting, so she called her best friend Isa. “Why doesn’t she answer her phone?” Katia asked herself. Then she called Jofa, Ali, and Yoko, but they didn’t answer either. “What’s going on?” she wondered.
At 8 o’clock Katia went home. Her friends had forgotten her birthday and she felt lonely and miserable. She opened the front door and walked into the dark house. The living room door was closed. “How strange,” she thought because she always left it open. Nervously, she opened the door. Suddenly, the lights went on and all her friends jumped up and shouted “Surprise!” So, they hadn’t forgotten and, in the end, it was the best birthday ever.
If you were Katia, what would you feel when you were in Sakura Blossoms restaurant at 8.00 pm?
Bahasa Inggris
Level 8
Bahasa Inggris
Personal past experiences
Personal Recount Text
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Perhatikan teks ulasan berikut!
Cerita pendek ini disajikan dengan bahasa yang sulit untuk dimengerti. Apabila para pembaca sudah memahami cerpen ini, maka pembaca akan tersihir dengan cerita pendek yang satu ini. Cerpen ini juga menjadi sebuah motivasi yang luar biasa serta menjadi panutan dalam kehidupan. Sehingga cerpen ini sangat bagus untuk para remaja. Pada cerpen ini sang penulis menulis nasihat-nasihat yang baik bagi para pembaca. Selain itu, dalam cerpen ini menginformasikan bagaimana susahnya hidup dan bagaimana keadaan hidup saat itu sangat minim.
Makna kalimat yang dicetak tebal pada teks tersebut adalah ....
Bahasa Indonesia
Level 8
Teks Ulasan
Menggali Informasi Teks Ulasan
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Bahasa Indonesia
Cek Contoh Kuis Online
Kejar Kuis
Cek Contoh Bank Soal
Kejar Soal
Bacalah puisi di bawah ini!
Lihat kami!
Kami mencoba kuat diatas kekurangan
Tak lelah banting tulang
Tapi kau?
Lihat dirimu!
Kau tak bersyukur dengan dirimu
Kau curi hak kami
Kau biarkan kami menderita
Tapi kau?
Seakan menari-nari diatas penderitaan kami
Lihat kami!
Apa tak kau lihat keringat kami?
Keletihan kami
Hanya demi sesuap nasi
Lihat negeri ini!
Sudah tiadakah hati?
Sudah tiadakah mata?
Hingga tak pernah kau lihat kami
Lalu, harus kemanakah kami?
Kami memang tak mampu balas dirimu
Karena Tuhan yang akan balas dirimu
(Karya: Nuke Hanasasmit)
Puisi di atas termasuk jenis puisi ....
Cermati pilihan berikut!
- Faktual
- Non-faktual
- Berisi opini pribadi
- Berisi fakta yang bisa dibuktikan
- Bahasa yang digunakan singkat, padat, dan lugas
- Bahasa yang digunakan bertele-tele
Berdasarkan pilihan di atas, yang termasuk ciri-ciri berita adalah ....
Titik A berjarak 8 satuan di sebelah kiri sumbu-Y dan berada di atas sumbu-X dengan jarak setengah dari jaraknya terhadap sumbu-Y.
Berapakah koordinat letak titik A?
Diketahui persamaan 2 7. Jika variabel dinyatakan dalam variabel , maka adalah ... (Pilih semua jawaban yang benar!)
Read the following description of Michelle’s living room.
This is Michelle’s living room. (1) There aren’t many furnitures in it because she likes to keep everything clean and tidy. (2) There are only a small cabinet, a big yellow couch, and a single sofa chair to sit with her family. Her cat would also rest on the couch because it is very comfortable. (3) There is no painting on the wall but Michelle prefers to add green plants to the decoration. They become new trends lately and her favorite is definitely a palm leaf. (4) There are also books on the wall. She usually reads them while enjoying a nice cup of tea in the morning.
Which of the sentence numbers above is not grammatically correct?
Look at the table below.
Make sentences with 'can' or 'can't' with the verbs in the brackets and join them with 'and' or 'but.'
A. Kelly (cook/dance)
B. Andy (sing/type)
C. John (cook/ski)
Which one is the most suitable statement for point A?
Kedai Minuman Rina
Rina akan membuka kedai minuman kekinian minggu depan. Ia membuat poster untuk mempromosikan kedai tersebut. Perhatikan poster kedai minuman milik Rina di bawah ini!
(Sumber Gambar:
Di mana kamu bisa mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut tentang kedai minuman milik Rina?
Diketahui , maka untuk , kita peroleh
Read the following text and answer the question.
It was Katia’s 20th birthday and she was looking forward to seeing her friends. They were meeting at Sakura Blossoms, her favorite Japanese restaurant for a special birthday dinner. Katia was excited and got the restaurant at exactly 7 o’clock, the time they had arranged to meet. She looked around for a familiar face, but no one had arrived yet. So, she decided to wait outside and stood patiently in the warm evening sunshine.
The restaurant quickly filled up with customers, but none of them were Katia’s friends. “Where are they?” she thought. At half past seven she was still waiting, so she called her best friend Isa. “Why doesn’t she answer her phone?” Katia asked herself. Then she called Jofa, Ali, and Yoko, but they didn’t answer either. “What’s going on?” she wondered.
At 8 o’clock Katia went home. Her friends had forgotten her birthday and she felt lonely and miserable. She opened the front door and walked into the dark house. The living room door was closed. “How strange,” she thought because she always left it open. Nervously, she opened the door. Suddenly, the lights went on and all her friends jumped up and shouted “Surprise!” So, they hadn’t forgotten and, in the end, it was the best birthday ever.
If you were Katia, what would you feel when you were in Sakura Blossoms restaurant at 8.00 pm?
Perhatikan teks ulasan berikut!
Cerita pendek ini disajikan dengan bahasa yang sulit untuk dimengerti. Apabila para pembaca sudah memahami cerpen ini, maka pembaca akan tersihir dengan cerita pendek yang satu ini. Cerpen ini juga menjadi sebuah motivasi yang luar biasa serta menjadi panutan dalam kehidupan. Sehingga cerpen ini sangat bagus untuk para remaja. Pada cerpen ini sang penulis menulis nasihat-nasihat yang baik bagi para pembaca. Selain itu, dalam cerpen ini menginformasikan bagaimana susahnya hidup dan bagaimana keadaan hidup saat itu sangat minim.
Makna kalimat yang dicetak tebal pada teks tersebut adalah ....