Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Expressions of Willingness to Do Something
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Bab 2 | Singular & Plural Nouns | Bahasa Inggris | Kelas 7

Soal Populer Hari Ini
Perbedaan makna konotasi dan makna denotasi dalam puisi adalah ....
Bahasa Indonesia
Level 8
Unsur-unsur puisi
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Bahasa Indonesia
Cermati penggalan paragraf berita berikut!
Sistem kerja pemerintah dinilai lambat oleh sebagian besar pakar kesehatan dunia. Dunia internasional sudah menyoroti kebijakan-kebijakan yang dibuat oleh pemerintah Indonesia semenjak beredarnya virus Corona ini. Baik penanganan maupun penolakan untuk melakukan lockdown total dikhawatirkan menyebabkan virus ini semakin mudah untuk menyebar dan mengakibatkan korban jiwa.
(Sumber:, dengan penyesuaian)
Kata kerja mental yang terdapat pada paragraf tersebut adalah ....
Bahasa Indonesia
Level 8
Teks Berita
Struktur dan Kebahasaan Teks Berita
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Bahasa Indonesia
Perhatikanlah gambar persegi pada koordinat cartesius berikut.

Manakah diantara titik pada koordinat cartesius yang merupakan titik pusat dari persegi?
Level 8
Koordinat Kartesius
Posisi Titik dan Bangun Datar
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Perhatikan tabel berikut!

Berdasarkan tabel di atas, berapakah harga 3 pensil dan 2 penghapus?
Level 8
Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel (SPLDV)
Menyelesaikan SPLDV
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Read the following description of Michelle’s living room.

This is Michelle’s living room. (1) There aren’t many furnitures in it because she likes to keep everything clean and tidy. (2) There are only a small cabinet, a big yellow couch, and a single sofa chair to sit with her family. Her cat would also rest on the couch because it is very comfortable. (3) There is no painting on the wall but Michelle prefers to add green plants to the decoration. They become new trends lately and her favorite is definitely a palm leaf. (4) There are also books on the wall. She usually reads them while enjoying a nice cup of tea in the morning.
Which of the sentence numbers above is not grammatically correct?
Bahasa Inggris
Level 8
Bahasa Inggris
Existence of things and people around us
Expression of existence
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Perhatikan iklan di bawah ini!

Antonim kata Laik yang terdapat dalam iklan tersebut adalah ....
Bahasa Indonesia
Level 8
Iklan, Slogan, Poster
Pola penyajian dan Kebahasaan Iklan, Slogan, Poster
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Bahasa Indonesia
Look at the following picture.

What will you do if you see this?
Bahasa Inggris
Level 8
Bahasa Inggris
Interaction among students inside and outside classrooms
Expressions of Willingness to Do Something
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Grafik garis dengan persamaan adalah ....
Level 8
Persamaan Garis Lurus (PGL)
Grafik Persamaan Garis Lurus
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Read the following text and answer the question.
It was Katia’s 20th birthday and she was looking forward to seeing her friends. They were meeting at Sakura Blossoms, her favorite Japanese restaurant for a special birthday dinner. Katia was excited and got the restaurant at exactly 7 o’clock, the time they had arranged to meet. She looked around for a familiar face, but no one had arrived yet. So, she decided to wait outside and stood patiently in the warm evening sunshine.
The restaurant quickly filled up with customers, but none of them were Katia’s friends. “Where are they?” she thought. At half past seven she was still waiting, so she called her best friend Isa. “Why doesn’t she answer her phone?” Katia asked herself. Then she called Jofa, Ali, and Yoko, but they didn’t answer either. “What’s going on?” she wondered.
At 8 o’clock Katia went home. Her friends had forgotten her birthday and she felt lonely and miserable. She opened the front door and walked into the dark house. The living room door was closed. “How strange,” she thought because she always left it open. Nervously, she opened the door. Suddenly, the lights went on and all her friends jumped up and shouted “Surprise!” So, they hadn’t forgotten and, in the end, it was the best birthday ever.
If you were Katia, what would you feel when you were in Sakura Blossoms restaurant at 8.00 pm?
Bahasa Inggris
Level 8
Bahasa Inggris
Personal past experiences
Personal Recount Text
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Diketahui himpunan P adalah himpunan nama bapak-bapak dan himpunan Q adalah himpunan nama anak-anak, serta relasi P ke Q adalah "ayah dari".
P={Gandung, Jumakir, Heru, Puryadi }
Q ={Linda, Uut, Danis, Tika, Maya}
Himpunan pasangan berurutannya adalah {(Gandung, Danis), (Jumakir,Linda), (Heru,Tika), (Puryadi,Uut)}. Maka kodomainnya adalah ...
Level 8
Relasi dan Fungsi
Kelas VIII
Kurikulum 2013
Cek Contoh Kuis Online
Kejar Kuis
Cek Contoh Bank Soal
Kejar Soal
Perbedaan makna konotasi dan makna denotasi dalam puisi adalah ....
Cermati penggalan paragraf berita berikut!
Sistem kerja pemerintah dinilai lambat oleh sebagian besar pakar kesehatan dunia. Dunia internasional sudah menyoroti kebijakan-kebijakan yang dibuat oleh pemerintah Indonesia semenjak beredarnya virus Corona ini. Baik penanganan maupun penolakan untuk melakukan lockdown total dikhawatirkan menyebabkan virus ini semakin mudah untuk menyebar dan mengakibatkan korban jiwa.
(Sumber:, dengan penyesuaian)
Kata kerja mental yang terdapat pada paragraf tersebut adalah ....
Perhatikanlah gambar persegi pada koordinat cartesius berikut.
Manakah diantara titik pada koordinat cartesius yang merupakan titik pusat dari persegi?
Perhatikan tabel berikut!
Berdasarkan tabel di atas, berapakah harga 3 pensil dan 2 penghapus?
Read the following description of Michelle’s living room.
This is Michelle’s living room. (1) There aren’t many furnitures in it because she likes to keep everything clean and tidy. (2) There are only a small cabinet, a big yellow couch, and a single sofa chair to sit with her family. Her cat would also rest on the couch because it is very comfortable. (3) There is no painting on the wall but Michelle prefers to add green plants to the decoration. They become new trends lately and her favorite is definitely a palm leaf. (4) There are also books on the wall. She usually reads them while enjoying a nice cup of tea in the morning.
Which of the sentence numbers above is not grammatically correct?
Perhatikan iklan di bawah ini!
Antonim kata Laik yang terdapat dalam iklan tersebut adalah ....
Look at the following picture.
What will you do if you see this?
Grafik garis dengan persamaan adalah ....
Read the following text and answer the question.
It was Katia’s 20th birthday and she was looking forward to seeing her friends. They were meeting at Sakura Blossoms, her favorite Japanese restaurant for a special birthday dinner. Katia was excited and got the restaurant at exactly 7 o’clock, the time they had arranged to meet. She looked around for a familiar face, but no one had arrived yet. So, she decided to wait outside and stood patiently in the warm evening sunshine.
The restaurant quickly filled up with customers, but none of them were Katia’s friends. “Where are they?” she thought. At half past seven she was still waiting, so she called her best friend Isa. “Why doesn’t she answer her phone?” Katia asked herself. Then she called Jofa, Ali, and Yoko, but they didn’t answer either. “What’s going on?” she wondered.
At 8 o’clock Katia went home. Her friends had forgotten her birthday and she felt lonely and miserable. She opened the front door and walked into the dark house. The living room door was closed. “How strange,” she thought because she always left it open. Nervously, she opened the door. Suddenly, the lights went on and all her friends jumped up and shouted “Surprise!” So, they hadn’t forgotten and, in the end, it was the best birthday ever.
If you were Katia, what would you feel when you were in Sakura Blossoms restaurant at 8.00 pm?
Diketahui himpunan P adalah himpunan nama bapak-bapak dan himpunan Q adalah himpunan nama anak-anak, serta relasi P ke Q adalah "ayah dari".
P={Gandung, Jumakir, Heru, Puryadi }
Q ={Linda, Uut, Danis, Tika, Maya}
Himpunan pasangan berurutannya adalah {(Gandung, Danis), (Jumakir,Linda), (Heru,Tika), (Puryadi,Uut)}. Maka kodomainnya adalah ...